
Containerizing Workloads: Why Migrate Workloads to Containers?

Modernizing Existing and Legacy Applications

Zohaib Khan

7 minute read

Containerizing Workloads

Containers are changing the way we deliver, run and manage software in the enterprise. With all the hype around it, everyone is now looking to put containers on their roadmap and harness their potential to deliver innovation at scale. We are still very early in the container adoption cycle though and experimentation is still the most prevalent way to introduce them in the enterprise. I presented the topic of migrating workloads to containers at StackWorld 2016 in San Francisco last month (June 2016) and had some great discussions afterwards.

Zohaib Khan

1 minute read

My Talk at StackWorld 2016 I was invited to present at StackWorld 2016 this week. StackWorld is a stack-neutral conference for Developers by Dev:Network in San Francisco bay area. I presented on the topic of migrating existing workloads to containers. It tries to answer common questions, such as: Are containers just a new hype for companies to spend money on? How do we decide which applications to migrate to containers? Moving to containers mean rewriting existing apps.