Containerizing Workloads: Patterns of Migrating Workloads to Containers

How to do heavy lifting in migrating to containers?

Zohaib Khan

7 minute read

In the last article of the series, I covered some of the reasons why planning to migrate all or part of existing application portfolio to containers can be instrumental in accelerating innovation cycle. I also talked about common pitfalls and try to dispel some myths. Now lets examine the journey to container migration and patterns that can help you make informed decisions. I have seen three distinct patterns in container adoption so far.

Containerizing Workloads: Why Migrate Workloads to Containers?

Modernizing Existing and Legacy Applications

Zohaib Khan

7 minute read

Containerizing Workloads

Containers are changing the way we deliver, run and manage software in the enterprise. With all the hype around it, everyone is now looking to put containers on their roadmap and harness their potential to deliver innovation at scale. We are still very early in the container adoption cycle though and experimentation is still the most prevalent way to introduce them in the enterprise. I presented the topic of migrating workloads to containers at StackWorld 2016 in San Francisco last month (June 2016) and had some great discussions afterwards.

Embracing Open Source: How to consume opensource software in enterprise?

What are the best ways to consume various types of open source software?

Zohaib Khan

7 minute read

What are the best ways to consume various types of open source software?

What are the best ways to consume various types of open source software? In the past two articles we have covered the foundations of what Open Source Software is and how it is created and various types of OSS out there, the inevitable question to confront now is “Is there a proper way to consume Open Source Software in an Enterprise?”. In fact this is the exact same question I have asked some decision makers to gauge the level of their organizations’ maturity in OSS and gotten surprising answers.